Hack Club

A Place for Makers

We’re a DHS student organization utilizing technology
to improve the human condition

We innovate by


We recognize problems in the lives of others.


We research, design, and develop digital solutions.


Finally, we offer our solution to users and continue to iterate.

Collaborate as a Pack

Each member of each pack has unique talents and
interests and it is this diversity in skillset that allows us to innovate.

Front-end Developer

Back-end Developer

UI/UX Designer

UX Researcher

Visual Identity Designer


Project Leader

Data Analyst

Game Developer

3D Artist

Interaction Designer

AR/VR Designer

& more

Become a member of the Dorman Hack Club

We’re the space where you will learn how to harness your inner creative super powers.

You’re welcome to come to Dorman Hack Club every Monday afterschool in room C104.
